The Development of Morality Based on the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism Subject of the Elementary School Students, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi Province


  • Phramaha Ratthapol Siribhaddo (Tabsang) Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Chaval Siriwat Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Sompong Suwanphuma Faculty of Political Science, Chaiyaphum Rajaphat University


The Development of Morality, Four Noble Truths, Buddhism Subject


The thesis entitled “The Development of Morality Based on the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism Subject of the Elementary School Students, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi Province” was an experimental research by means of a one-group pretest – posttest design. The research consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study the learning achievement through a pretest and posttest of Buddhism subject by the teaching process based on the four noble truths of the 6th elementary school students, Wat Pho Baan Aoi School, Pakkret district, Nonthaburi province and 2) to study the satisfaction of the 6th elementary school students through a posttest of Buddhism subject by the teaching process based on the four noble truths, Wat Pho Baan Aoi School, Pakkret district, Nonthaburi province. From the study, it was found as follows:

  1. The comparison results of the pretest and posttest of Buddhism subject by the teaching process based on the four noble truths of the 6th elementary school students, Wat Pho Baan Aoi School, Pakkret district, Nonthaburi province showed that pretest had a mean of 16.42 with the standard deviation (S.D.) equal to 2.892. While posttest had a mean of 21.54 with the standard deviation (S.D.) equal to 3.425. The difference of both scores had a mean of 9.02. The t-test was found equal to 30.213. When comparing the learning achievement of pretest and posttest, it revealed that the posttest had a higher score with a statistical significance at the 0.05 level according to the assumption set.
  2. The result on the satisfaction of the 6th elementary school students through a posttest of Buddhism subject by the teaching process based on the four noble truths, Wat Pho Baan Aoi School, Pakkret district, Nonthaburi province found to be overall at a high level (Mean = 4.59, S.D. = 0.434). When considering each aspect, it revealed the 4 aspects that had the level of satisfaction from highest to lowest as follows: 1st aspect on contents (Mean = 4.42, S.D. = 0.280), 2nd aspect on benefits (Mean = 4.36, S.D. = 0.392), 3rd aspect on learning activities (Mean = 4.30, S.D. = 0.418), and lastly, 4th aspect on teachers (Mean  = 4.24, S.D. = 0.321).


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How to Cite

Siribhaddo (Tabsang), P. R. ., Siriwat , C., & Suwanphuma, S. (2021). The Development of Morality Based on the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism Subject of the Elementary School Students, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 227–239. Retrieved from