The Learning Management Using the Threefold Educational Principles to Develop Learning Achievement of Lower Secondary School


  • Phra Paladthitinan Yannavero (Methanatworaphat) Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Somchai Srinok Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Niwes Wongsuwan Faculty of Education, MCU


Learning Management, Three Fold Educational Principles, The Achievement in Learning


This research article work which is a kind of Pre Experimental Research is presented with 3 objectives as follows: 1.) To find the effectiveness of  learning management by using the Three Fold Educational Principles to develop learning achievement of lower Secondary School 2.) To compare the achievement of development of learning management of lower Secondary School. And 3.) To study the satisfaction of students in lower Secondary School towards learning the Three Fold Educational Principles to develop learning achievement. The sampling group of 25 students used in this research work which is selected with Easy random selection method is the students in Mattayom 3/2 of Sa Yai Som Wittaya Secondary School, Sa Yai Som Sub-district, U-thong District, Suphanburi Province. The tools used in this research work are 1.) The 4 sets of active learning management of Buddhism subject of the Three Fold Educational Principles about Sermon and Owat Pathimokkha. 2) Learning achievement measurement form. 3) The students’ satisfaction assessment form. All of data in this research work analyzed with Means, Standard Deviation and T-test dependent.

The results of the research work are as follows: 1. The result of the pre-test for The 4 sets of active learning management of Buddhism subject of the Three Fold Educational Principles about Sermon and Owat Pathimokkha was effective with the Mean process of 78.61 %, and the result of the post-test was effective with the Mean process of 80.08 % along the standard criterion of 80/80. 2. Students who were taught with active learning of the Three Fold Educational Principles had the achievement after learning higher than before learning with statistical significance at .05. And 3. Students were so satisfied with active learning of the Three Fold Educational Principles in the high level with statistical significance at .05.


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How to Cite

Yannavero (Methanatworaphat), P. P. ., Srinok , S., & Wongsuwan , N. (2021). The Learning Management Using the Threefold Educational Principles to Develop Learning Achievement of Lower Secondary School. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 171–181. Retrieved from