Studies Behavior Secondary Students’ Moral Makamsansern Pattavee Sub-district Makam District Chantaburi Province


  • Phra Yingsan Thanakorn (Srilawut) Faculty of Education, MCU
  • Niwes Wongsuwan Faculty of Education, MCU


Education, Behavior, Ethics


The Ethical Behavior of the Secondary School Students, Makham Sansern School, Makham Subdistrict, Makham District, Chanthaburi Province” consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study the ethical behavior of the secondary school students 2) to compare the result of the ethical behavior between pretest and posttest of the secondary school students and 3) to propose the guidelines for cultivating and developing the ethics of the secondary school students, Makham Sansern school, Chanthaburi province. The study applied pre-experimental research. The results of the research are found as follows: 1. Students have the level of ethical behavior overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it is found that the aspect on discipline and responsibility are at a high level. Followed by diligence which is at a moderate level. Therefore, the ethical behavior on discipline and responsibility have a high level of mean. 2, Students with different gender do not have different ethical development, while students with different levels of education and learning achievement have different ethical development with a statistical significance at 0.5 level. 3. Students who participated in the project of ethical development with the school do not have different ethical development. Different students who participated in the moral camp for mental development with the school have different ethical development. Different students who participated in the Buddhist novices’ ordination project in the summer do not have different ethical development.


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How to Cite

Thanakorn (Srilawut) , P. Y., & Wongsuwan , N. (2021). Studies Behavior Secondary Students’ Moral Makamsansern Pattavee Sub-district Makam District Chantaburi Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 183–192. Retrieved from