Program of Buddhist Psychology for the Development of Resilience for Samanseras of Pali-Dhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma School in Bang Phlat District, Bangkok


  • PhrakhrusriVirunhakit Thanawaro Ph.D. Buddhist Psychology Department of Psychology Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Prayoon Suyajai Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Witchuda Titichoatrattana


Buddhist Psychology, Resilience, PhraPariyattidhamma Schools, Buddhist Novice


         The research aimed 1) to study the state of resilience of Samaneras of Pali-dhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma Schools in Bang Phlat District of Bangkok; 2) to build a program of Buddhist Psychology for the development of resilience for Samaneras of Pali-dhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma Schools in Bang Phlat District of Bangkok; and 3) to study the consequence of using a program in Bang Phlat District of Bangkok. This research was a mixed method research, using an in-depth interview key informants to develop a program of Buddhist Psychology for the development of resilience for Samaneras, and the program was used for training 30 Samaneras, and then following up the developmental consequence of resilience of Samaneras in four aspects regarding self-Awareness, self-development, good relation with others and goals in life. A content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data, and the statistics including Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and T-Value (t-test) was used for analyzing quantitative data. Results of the study were as follows:

  1. The state of resilience of Samaneras were reduced by problems, namely 1) adaptation to new social conditions, 2) learning Pali was difficult, little attention paid to learning, 3) reluctance to express and refusing to answer questions, 4) rare expressing the use of ideas to solve problems resulted in low responsibility, 5) being introvert resulted in preventing
  2. To construct a Program of Buddhist Psychology for resilience for Samaneras used knowledge from the psychology of mental development and Buddhadharma of Five Powers (Bala 5) for integrating the construction of 9 activities.
  3. A consequence of using a Program found that Samaneras’ resilience after experiment was significantly higher than before the experiment at the level of .05.          
  4. A follow-up found that Samaneras dared to develop themselves and had quality, was able to accept the truth of life, understood the nature of themselves and others, was encouraged to aim for life goals, and tried to achieve them.
  5. The body of knowledge that arose from the Samaneras’ resilience development resulted in the following characteristics, namely 1) self-awareness 2) self-improvement 3) good relationship with 4) having goals in life


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How to Cite

Thanawaro, P., Suyajai , P., & Titichoatrattana, W. (2022). Program of Buddhist Psychology for the Development of Resilience for Samanseras of Pali-Dhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma School in Bang Phlat District, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 1–17. Retrieved from