Best Quality of Life According to Buddhist Psychology


  • Kwanjai Thongsri Buddhist Psychology, Faculty of Humanities MCU


Quality of Life, Good Life, Buddhist Psychology


Consideration of the quality of life in person. Regarding the quality of life that must have 4 components. Which will be a tool for measuring the effects of good quality of life on the body, mind, social relationships. And the environment and if able to apply the principles of Buddhism together with the above elements in every physical, social, including environmental processes Therefore, the quality of life according to Buddhist psychology means quality of life that is caused by the development of one’s 4 principles: namely body, precept, mind, and intelligence, causing 1) Physical and environmental quality from the body of prayer. Make the body complete, strong, free from disease, not squeezing and not cause problems. Known to control himself not to be extravagant than necessary. Use organic like eyes, ears, nose, tonque, body connected to the outside world, images, sounds, smells, taste consciously touch. 2) Mental and social quality from the precepts. Causing relationships that are supportive to the social environment. Have good behavior with fellow humans, do not squeeze or cause trouble for others, give discipline, share with others, wisdom, pray, knowledge, understanding, real enlightenment, know, consider, solve problems and take action with pure intelligence. Which knows the cause of the factor, see all things as it is without prejudice, giving a strong mind, comfortable, well-known, fit, satisfied in the status que. Have a positive attitude towards oneself and others, love, warmth, attachment in family and fellow humans, have patience, sacrifice, create society, promote peace.


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How to Cite

Thongsri, K. (2021). Best Quality of Life According to Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 325–337. Retrieved from