Deep Listening to Remedy Suffering following Buddhist Psychology Path


  • กัญกร คำพรรณ์ Ph.D. (Buddhist Psychology), Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Deep Listening, Remedy, Suffering, Buddhist Psychology


         The objectives of this academic article are 1) to present the importance of Deep Listening in the healing of suffering and 2) to present Buddhism’s doctrines, namely, Kalyanamitta-Dharma 7 (Qualities of a good friend), Sangahavatthu 4 (Bases of service), Brahmavihara 4 (Holy Abidings), and Sati-Sampajanna (Mindfulness and Awareness). Moreover, Psychological Concepts strengthen the ability of the listener with a compassionate heart to understand the feelings of others. Deep Listening or listening with a compassionated heart is a concentration listening to recognize and understand the interlocutor’s emotional state of mind, thoughts, and feelings. It is unconditionally listening, without prejudice, without conflict, without judgment, and participates in that feeling. During the conversation, an emotional speech helps the speaker organize and reflect feelings through their stories and possibly make them see a thing clearly and understand the cause of the problem, having a different perspective on the problem or incident. It makes them able to solve problems and make decisions on their own. A listener who is full of a compassionate heart will help the interlocutor feel safe and relieve tension, not feeling unattended or left to face problems alone. Deep Listening would help the interlocutor relief from suffering and replaced with awareness and encouragement to bravely face problems and overcome obstacles to relieve suffering.


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How to Cite

คำพรรณ์ ก., Srikhruedong, S., & Ragkhanto, S. (2022). Deep Listening to Remedy Suffering following Buddhist Psychology Path. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 309–328. Retrieved from