Buddhist Communication Innovation Model for Proactive Public Relations of the Royal Thai Police


  • Panadda Raksakaeo Faculty of Social Science, MCU


Buddhist Innovation, Communication, Public Relations, Royal Thai Police


This research study aims 1) To study the factors of public relations management for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police. 2) To study Buddhist factors, communication innovations for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police. 3) To study the Buddhist communication innovation model for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police. This research is a qualitative research. The researcher used a field research method by In-depth interview. Key informants include: policy group Implementation, policy leadership group, stakeholder group and religious scholars were used by 17 monks or people. The tools used include Objective structured interview form by collecting data from two informants as follows: 1) Qualitative data were collected by interviewed. 2) Focus group. The data analysis in this research used data analysis by classification of two data types of data as follows: 1) Classification of data at the micro level and 2) the classification of data at the macro level.

The results showed that 1) Public relations management, including organizational structure Public relations strategies, staff, leadership style, public relations system, skills and shared values. 2) The buddhist communication innovations, namely, information management clearly and clearly (Santassana), disseminating information that motivates to see the truth to create awareness (Samadapana), having courage. Encouragement in building a network of cooperation (Samut Techana), recognizing, understanding and appreciating the benefits of communication (Samphangsa). 3) The buddhist communication innovation model for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police. There is a creative use for society. Modern marketing that reflects reality, sticking to international principles and making a difference, having an up-to-date technology database under ethics efficiency, which is part of the results of public relations management and Buddhist communication innovations This is the goal to make the organization work in proactive public relations to keep up with the times and reach the target audience effectively.


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How to Cite

Raksakaeo, P. (2021). Buddhist Communication Innovation Model for Proactive Public Relations of the Royal Thai Police. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 111–127. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/253048