Human : Digital Citizenchip
Digital Citizenship, Digital Technology, Digital Intelligence Quotient, Bejasil BejathamAbstract
This article focuses on the 21st century digital citizen who must learn, understand and use digital technology as a Responsible, creative and digital ownership. It covers 8 key skills of digital citizenship (DQ: Digital Intelligence Quotient) which are: Skills to maintain a good identity of one's own, Analytical thinking skills with good judgment, Self-security skills in cyberspace, Personal data protection skills, Screen Time Allocation Skills, Online Data Management Skills, Skills for dealing with cyberbullying. And the important thing that governs the quality of being a good digital citizen that benefits and does not harm both oneself and others are: use digital technology based on the principles of Benjasil (5 precepts) and Benjatham (Dhamma 5). To live in accordance with the virtues in the Dhamma will lead to a life of happiness and safety. It is like having a vehicle with excellent performance and driving on smooth roads have enough light would make it possible to reach the destination quickly and safely.
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