Buddhist Counselors’ Experiences of Working with Clients from Different Religions.


  • Thanakorn Suttijaroenphanit Burapha University
  • Chomphunut Srichannil Burapha University
  • Doldao Wongtheerathorn Burapha University


Buddhist Counselors, Different Religions, Experiences, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis


          This study aimed to explore Buddhist counselors’ experiences of working with clients from different religions using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with five Buddhist counselors.

          Results revealed three superordinate themes: 1) Buddhist counseling can be workable with clients from different religions. 2) Religious difference between a counselor and a client is a challenge and 3) Working with clients from different religions promotes open-mindedness. These results indicate that despite challenges, counseling with religiously different clients can be enriching and has potential to enhance the Buddhist counselors’ capability to work with. individual differences.  The results provide suggestions for ways to overcome the challenges of working with clients from different religions.


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How to Cite

Thanakorn Suttijaroenphanit, Chomphunut Srichannil, & Doldao Wongtheerathorn. (2021). Buddhist Counselors’ Experiences of Working with Clients from Different Religions. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 187–204. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/252465