The Development of Social Adjustment for Elderly through the Assimilative Integrative Counseling Based on Existential Theory


  • Yanata Chatha Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Pracha Inang Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Pennapha Koolnaphadol Faculty of Education, Burapha University


Social Adjustment, Elderly, Integrated Theory and Techniques of Counseling, Existential Theory


This research aimed to:1) develop a social adjustment scale of the elderly, 2) study the effects of the Assimilative Integrative Counseling Program using conventional theory as a base with social adaptation of the elderly. The participants were elderly in Bangkok and surrounded provinces, consisted of 400 participants in phase 1 and 20 participants in phase 2. They were randomly assigned into an experimental group and control group, 10 participants each. The instruments were social adjustment scale for the elderly. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, SD, percentiles rank: PR, Z-score, T-score, Normalized T-score, Stanine Norm and Repeated Measures. The results were found that:

1. In overall, the social adjustment scale of the elderly was in moderate level. The reliability was between .89-.93 and discrimination was between .22-.88. The scores of self-adjustment of the elderly was at 195 point, the raw score was between -3.26 to 2.52, the T-score was between 17.44 to 75.19 and Normalized T-score was between 41 to 57 point. When classified the T-score into 5 ranges of self-adjustment of the elderly, it was found that the elderly with lowest score of self-adjustment had raw score lower than 119 point, the low score of self-adjustment had raw score between 120 to137 point, the moderate score of self-adjustment with raw score between 138 to 155 point, the high score of self-adjustment had raw score between 156 to173 point and the highest score of self-adjustment had raw score 174 point or above.

2. The elderly in experimental group who participated in the Assimilative Integrative Counseling Program based on existential theory had the higher social adjustment score at the post-test and the follow up phase than the control group at .05 significant level.

3. The elderly in experimental group participated in the Assimilative Integrative Counseling Program based on existential theory had higher social adjustment score at the post-test than at the pre-test at .05 significant level.  There were no differences between pre-test and follow-up phases


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How to Cite

Chatha, Y., Inang, P., & Koolnaphadol, P. (2021). The Development of Social Adjustment for Elderly through the Assimilative Integrative Counseling Based on Existential Theory. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 241–260. Retrieved from