Communication and Adoption Process of Keto Food Consumers


  • Saowalak Jaroensittipun Kasetsart University
  • Natchuda Wijitjammaree Kasetsart University


Adoption Process, Communication, Keto Food


This research aims to study communication and ketogenic adoption process among consumers in Facebook group. Research methods used in this study consist of document analysis methodology that explores and define the influences that Communication Methods have on their decision to follow the ketogenic diet, along with structured in-depth interviews with 10 individuals who are members of the ThaiKeto Friends Facebook group.

            Analysis of the concept will be divided into two parts: 1) consultation behavior on the principles of ketogenic diet in the group 2) the sharing of personal experiences in practicing the ketogenic diet among group members. The results of the study can be summarized in 5 parts which is: 1) awareness stage : most participants are aware of ketogenic diet practices and getting valuable information by visiting the ThaiKeto Facebook page 2) interest stage: the results showed that interviewees were more interested in obtaining more information about personal experience with the ketogenic diet from ThaiKeto Friends., which in turn makes them even more interested in the topic 3) evaluation stage: it was discovered that the interviewees considered the success of the ketogenic diet based on the personal experience of other members. As evaluated from the administrator of the Facebook page, this consideration is based on the ease of taking the diet and the ability to try the diet beforehand leading to adaption of the diet to be compatible with their daily life. 4) implementation stage: due to rapid weight loss results and the not-so-stressful nature of the ketogenic diet method in losing weight (unlike other methods) and 5) adoption stage: found that interviewees were very happy with the results of the diet, with benefits such as a healthier life, weight loss, and the sharing of experiences which are beneficial for others.


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How to Cite

Saowalak Jaroensittipun, & Natchuda Wijitjammaree. (2021). Communication and Adoption Process of Keto Food Consumers. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 223–238. Retrieved from