Model of Suitable Monastery Development for Holistic Happiness by 5sor Ways Based on Buddhist Psychology


  • Phra Anantachai Abhinando Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Prayoon Suyajai Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Phuen Kittisobhano Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Model, Developing Monastery, 5S, Buddhist Psychology


This research aimed 1) to study the problematic background and concepts of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology 2) to synthesize model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology 3) to propose model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology. this research followed mixed method with 3 phases : phase 1; study concepts of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology by reviewing documents, research papers, and interviewing 24 experts, conducting SWOT analysis, and synthesizing data with 6Cs principle to build the draft medal, phase 2; build the real model of the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology, then confirm model by using focus group of 8 experts, deploy model to target which is Wat Nong Chiang Toon monastery to evaluate satisfaction which is consisted of 44 items in 4 dimensions. 217 Buddhists of Wat Nong Chiang Toon monastery were selected as a sample by simple random sampling method. Statistics used in this study are percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, phase 3; propose model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology.

            The problematic background and concepts of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S (S1 : Seiri = Clearing Up, S2 : Seiton = Organizing, S3 : Seiso = Cleaning, S4 : Seiketsu = Standardizing, S5 : Shitsuke = Training & Discipline) approach according to Buddhist psychology. According to SWOT analysis, it found that Strength: Wat Nong Chiang Toon is meditation center of Si Sa Ket Province, Weakness: lack of management system, insufficiency of meditation master, Opportunities: many Buddhist people support monastery, volunteer helping activities of monastery, Threads: lack of public relation, inharmony of Buddhist people in village around monastery.

            On analysis of model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology, it found that there are three dimensions of its; namely, 1) dimension of activities, 2) dimension of social activities for holistic happiness, 3) dimension of psychological activities for holistic happiness, 4) on dimension of wisdom activities for holistic happiness. On the quality of model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology in all dimensions is in high level (  = 4.08), 5S principle correlated to holistic happiness at statistically significant level 0.01.

            On proposing model of developing the monastery with holistic happiness by 5S approach according to Buddhist psychology, it found that the quality is improved by integrating Buddhist psychological factors, namely 7 suppāya principle, 4 bhāvanā principle, 4 principles of monastery management, psychological principles, namely, achievement motives which are internal motives and external motives effected to 4 dimensions of holistic happiness, namely, bodily, social, psychological, and wisdom. This model named “Happy monastery model: 574424”.


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How to Cite

Phra Anantachai Abhinando, Prayoon Suyajai, & Phramaha Phuen Kittisobhano. (2021). Model of Suitable Monastery Development for Holistic Happiness by 5sor Ways Based on Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 153–170. Retrieved from