The Analysis of Using Linguistic Simile in the Literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro)


  • Prakhruchinowatathamrong (Prida) Pĩtithammo Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Atthaphong Phiwhlueng Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus


Simile, Literature, Linguistics


The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze the use of a hermetical word in the simile in the literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro), 2) to analysis connection Process of the meaning of the simile in the literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro), which was the document research and explained descriptive research description.

The research found that using a hermetical words in the simile in the literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro) consisted of the dictionary of the Royal Institute of Thailand 2011 definition was found 5 types: 1) there are the hermetical words: compare, look like, like, as; 2) there are hermetical words: as though, like, as, likeness; 3) there are the hermetical words: then and such as; 4) there are the hermetical words: as, as…so; and 5) there is the hermetical word: let alone. And the analysis connection Process of the meaning of the simile in the literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro) was found 7 types: 1) character 2) duty 3) condition 4) action 5) symptom 6) level high-low and 7) property which reflect comparative concepts of the writer to many things in the world both abstract and concrete objects.


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How to Cite

Pĩtithammo, P. (Prida), & Phiwhlueng, A. (2021). The Analysis of Using Linguistic Simile in the Literature of PhraBrommolee (Vilat Ñanavaro). Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 299–316. Retrieved from