The Effects of Using Forensic Science Simulated Learning Activities on the Critical Thinking Ability of Lower Secondary Students


  • Urupong Wittayapoon
  • Sutthikan Tipayakesorn Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


Critical Thinking, Simulated Learning Activities, Forensic Science


The purpose of this research were 1. to study the results of learning activities by employing forensic science simulated learning activities encouraging critical thinking of the lower secondary students of Mae Tuen Wittaya School. 2. to study the results of learning activities by employing forensic science simulated learning activities affecting the result of the achievement test of the lower secondary students of Mae Tuen Wittaya School. The population to be studied in this research was 28 students in the classroom 2 of  Mae Tuen Wittaya School Lamphun who enrolled a fundamental to forensic sciences. The equipment to be used were as follows; the module for learning with the scenario in forensic sciences comprising with two plans with taking 16 hours of learning; a critical thinking test regarding a fundamental to forensic sciences with 40 questions; and a study achievement test regarding a fundamental to forensic sciences with 40 questions respectively. This research employed a data analysis approached by means of calculating an average (), percent (%) and standard deviation (). The research results were that;

  1. The result of the study of learning activities by employing the forensic science simulated learning activities encouraging critical thinking indicated above found that the average marks of critical thinking competency of the students after taking a class accounts for 27.32 which equaled 68.30 % with 2.82 of a standard deviation. The critical thinking competency among the students by employing forensic science simulated learning activities was higher than before taking a class and the improvement score was 10.07 which equaled 25.18%. 
  2. The result of the study of learning activities by employing the forensic science simulated learning activities affecting the result of the achievement test indicated above found that the average marks of the achievement of the students after taking a class accounts for 27.64 which equaled 69.11 % with 2.19 of a standard deviation. The student’s achievement by employing forensic science simulated learning activities was higher than before taking a class and the improvement score was 8.79 which equaled 21.96%.


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How to Cite

Wittayapoon, U., & Tipayakesorn, S. (2021). The Effects of Using Forensic Science Simulated Learning Activities on the Critical Thinking Ability of Lower Secondary Students. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 23–40. Retrieved from