Development Learning Activities in Professional Learning Community Based for Development Social Skills of the Undergraduates in Elementary Education Program


  • Thanee Chukamnerd Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Learning Activities, Professional Learning Community, social skills


This research aims to: 1) Develop learning activities using the professional learning community as a reference for developing social skills of Elementary Education Program students; 2) To study social skills of Elementary education students, Faculty of Education, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University and ; 3) to study the satisfaction of learning activities using the professional learning community as a reference for developing social skills of Elementary Education Program students. The sample were Elementary Education Program students 4th year undergraduate degree enrolled in the academic year 2018. Which was obtained from a specific random (Purposive Sampling) of 22 persons. The data were analyzed by statistical, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test.

            The results of the research were found to: 1) learning activities using the professional learning community as a reference for developing social skills of Elementary Education Program students. Is very suitable ( = 4.65, S.D. =0.593); 2) The educational results of social skills of Elementary education students. Studying at the Faculty of Education, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level; 3) The students were highly satisfied with the learning activities using the professional learning community for developing social skills. It can be concluded that learning activities can be used in learning management to develop social skills for learners' participation. Harmonious, enthusiastic, adaptable, supportive and interacting well to be a part of the society as well. Can learn together happily.


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How to Cite

Thanee Chukamnerd. (2021). Development Learning Activities in Professional Learning Community Based for Development Social Skills of the Undergraduates in Elementary Education Program. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 255–270. Retrieved from