Gilanadhamma Monks’ Experience of Healing for Patients


  • Phutthachat Phaensomboon Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Niranart Saensa Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Laddawan Na Ranong Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Experience, Healing, Patients, Volunteer, Gilanadhomma Buddhist Monks


The objective of this research was to study Gilanadhamma Monks’ Experience of Healing for Patients. This research model was a qualitative research based on Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The main informants were 7 volunteer Gilanadhamma Buddhist monks that healing patients, by selecting according to the specified criteria. Tools used for data collection such as in-depth interview and participatory observation. Data analysis by Inductive Method.

The research results found 4 main issues which were 1) The origin of the Gilanadhamma Buddhist monks consists of 3 sub-points: (1.1) A desired heart to help others, (1.2) entering the healing path and (1.3) operational resources to achieve success. (2) The self-practice of healing consists of 5 sub-points: (2.1) Understanding life, (2.2) Basic skill development, (2.3) Specific healing skills, (2.4) reviews, and (2.5) healer’s characteristic. (3) The healing process of the Gilanadhamma Buddhist monks consists of 6 sub-points: (3.1) Attitude towards facing people, (3.2) Healing definition, (3.3) Healing steps, (3.4) Dhamma principles, (3.5) Skills and (3.6) success factors. (4) Changing the inner world has 7 sub-points: (4.1) Self-change, (4.2) Wisdom fostering, (4.3) Patient definition, (4.4) Practical Principles, (4.5) Seeing happiness, (4.6) Self-technique and (4.7) Value of work.


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How to Cite

Phaensomboon, P., Saensa, N., & Na Ranong, L. (2021). Gilanadhamma Monks’ Experience of Healing for Patients. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 103–120. Retrieved from