Development of Local Curriculum on Community Participation Based in Community History in English: A Case Study of Ban Khao Din Tai Community, Khao Din Sub-district, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province


  • Thanaphat Sonthirak Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Darett Nareumon Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Prachak Rotarwut Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Rungsan Lakhamja Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University
  • Wimolporn Rawengwan Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


Development, Local curriculum, Community history, Participation


This research is a Mixed Method research with 3 objectives as follows: 1) to study problems and importance in studying English of students at Osodsapauppathum School, Khao Din Sub-district, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province 2) to develop curriculum on community history in English of Ban Khao Din Tai Community, Khao Din Sub-district, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province and 3) to evaluate the use of the curriculum on community history in English of Ban Khao Din Tai Community, Khao Din Sub-district, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. The population and sampling in this study were 30 administrators, teachers, community leaders, elders, parents and knowledgeable community history and 20 students of secondary 6. The sample selection was chosen using a specific method. The tools used for this research were questionnaires, group discussion record, English language, In-depth Interview, proficiency tests, and satisfaction assessments. The statistics used in quantitative data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation and qualitative data analysis was content analysis.

            The findings of this research as following:

  1. The importance in studying English found that English was very important for teaching and learning in schools. The average was 4.25. The most important skill was speaking at a high level and the average was 4.20, followed by listening skill which was at the high level, too. Moreover, the average was 4.19 and the problems in studying English found that the most important problem was unknowing vocabularies which was at the highest level, the average was 4.60, followed by inability to use the vocabularies that had already been learned which as at high level and the average was 4.35. The average was 4.20 and problem of not knowing the grammar that was at high level, too.
  2. The findings had revealed that the level in using English of the sample group were 1) an intermediate English language proficiency level had a score between 21-30 out of 40, equivalent to 45 percent, 2) a weak English language proficiency level, the score was between 11-20, representing 35 percent, and 3) an excellent English language proficiency level, the score was between 31-40, representing 20 percent. However, the findings of this research had shown that the sample group requested curriculum that community-based and could be used in everyday life and the average was 4.20 at a high level, followed by general curriculum like from the internet and the average was 4.15 at high level, the contents should not too difficult for learners and the average was 4.12 at high level, too.
  3. In terms of curriculum satisfaction, it was found that the overall, the sample group was satisfied with the textbooks of the local curriculum and the average was 4.20 at a high level, when separated by side. It was found that the meaningful illustrations were most relevant to the content of each lesson. The average was 4.53. Overall, the sample group was satisfied with the course content at a high level. The average was 4.12, when separated by side, the content of the community history was the most appropriate, the mean was 4.62.


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How to Cite

Thanaphat Sonthirak, Darett Nareumon, Prachak Rotarwut, Rungsan Lakhamja, & Wimolporn Rawengwan. (2021). Development of Local Curriculum on Community Participation Based in Community History in English: A Case Study of Ban Khao Din Tai Community, Khao Din Sub-district, Kao Liao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 281–298. Retrieved from