Preliminary study of bereavement experiences of person practicing insight meditation


  • Arpaporn Kijwattanapaibul Chulalongkorn University
  • Arunya Tuicomepee Chulalongkorn University


Qualitative Research, Bereavement, Insight Meditation Practitioners


Losing a loved one is an experience a person must face at some point in life. It is a major change in people’s lives. The passing with no return of a loved one has profound physical and psychological impacts on those who face the loss. Specifically, mourning for the deceased is a key psychological effect occurring to all who have lost their loved ones; to get through a bereavement period is not easy. This study is phenomenological research to preliminary investigates experience in losing a loved one of Insight meditation practitioners. Key informants were three persons who had lost their loved ones such as a father, a mother, a husband, or a wife. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. Findings revealed three major themes of experience in losing a loved one of Insight meditation practitioners: Theme 1 incorporated bond with a loved one built on either intimacy or length of spending life together. Theme 2 incorporated experience during the moment of loss - Shocked, worried, dedicated to taking care of loved one with hope and love, Overwhelmed when the time comes, and Feeling empty, thinking of many memories and mourning until effect on daily life. Theme 3 involved an acceptance, adapted dharma to seek spiritual anchor, value experiences from loss, and living for the sake of others. This knowledge provides a preliminary understanding of clients with bereavement. Moreover, further study based on insight meditation in psychotherapy can be conducted to heal those who lost their loved ones.


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How to Cite

Kijwattanapaibul, A., & Tuicomepee, A. (2020). Preliminary study of bereavement experiences of person practicing insight meditation. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(2), 137–155. Retrieved from