Language style of Putthaaphiwan Ongphabaramee in Tub To Khao TV program


  • Wasa Butdeekham Khonkhan University
  • Rattana Chanthao Khonkhan University


Language Style, News report, Idolect, Non-verbal laguage


The purpose of this research was to analyze the language style of Phutthaphiwan Ongprabaramee in Tub To Khao TV program. This research was a qualitative research. The data were collected in the news reporting on aired at the Amarin TV channel published in the year 2019 by specific sampling in 48 clips. The conceptual framework is language style which is a linguistic concept. The research result was divided into 2 parts; verbal and nonverbal language. In the first part of verbal language, there were 5 outstanding styles of language: 1) interjections 2) pronouns 3) reiteration 4) interrogative sentences and, 5) spoken language. The part of non-verbal language, the result found that he presented his identity by formal dressing, movement, eyesight, tone of voice. These nonverbal language support the verbal communicate and to make the audiences involved in the contents. The results of this research shown the language styles of Buddhapiphwan which to the massive number of viewers' following him.


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How to Cite

Butdeekham, W., & Chanthao, R. (2020). Language style of Putthaaphiwan Ongphabaramee in Tub To Khao TV program. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(2), 51–66. Retrieved from