Psychological Realization Model to the Community


  • Thiwa Monknoi Kasem Bundit University
  • Prasarn Malakul Na Ayudhya Kasem Bundit University
  • Pongphan Kerdphithak Kasem Bundit University


Model, Psychological Sense of Community


At present, the community has 3 main components which are Geographic Social and psychological, these 3 areas together form the community. Coexistence with the majority of people will have various problems, whether it is a conflict in the area. Living and the relationship of the people in the community various problems that arise can be solved with the cooperation of the people in the community. By raising awareness among the people in the community Realize their own roles and duties by creating a model of psychological awareness towards the community It is a conceptual framework for enhancing psychological awareness towards the community which focuses on 4 areas: 1) awareness of the community 2) the relationship of individual perception to the community and the community to oneself 3 ) Experiences of the community committee with the community and 4) the role of the community committee in the community to foster a sense of community engagement There is a comprehensive process of conducting a survey of the community committee's awareness of the community, focusing on individual perceptions of the community and the community towards themselves. Analysis of the relationship of individual psychological perceptions of community and that of the community of self. Analysis of the community committee's experience with the community and an analysis of the role of the community committee to enhance the awareness of community engagement.


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How to Cite

Thiwa Monknoi, Prasarn Malakul Na Ayudhya, & Pongphan Kerdphithak. (2021). Psychological Realization Model to the Community. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 441–454. Retrieved from