The good conduct indicators for corruption prevention in Thai local government organization: A case study for Bann Klang Municipal Lamphun Province


  • Patcharee Pipithsuksunt ์National Defence Studies Institute
  • Phongphat Chittanurak Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakhrusangharak Chakkit Bhuripanno Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Pongsuwan Srisuwan Royal Thai Air Force


The Good Conduct Indicator, Corruption Prevention, Local Government Organization


The objectives of this qualitative research on the good conduct indicators for corruption prevention in Thai local government organization: A case study for Bann Klang Municipal Lamphun Province were 1) to study the free from corruption at work of the local government organization and 2) to study the good conduct indicators of corruption-free at work of the local government organization. Data were collected from administrators of Ban Klang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Lamphun Province and municipal administrative documents. The semi-structured interview forms and the question guidelines for the focus group discussion were used to collect data from the administrators. Data were analyzed by content analysis techniques.

          The main findings were: The bodily good conduct factor consists of 4 indicators, 1) workingbehavior with unthinking of betraying, cheating, bribe receiving, or meddling in the interests of others, 2) working behavior by standing up to do the right thing i.e not stealing, 3) working behavior with care, determined to achieve work without theft, robbery, embezzlement, or kidnapping of others, and 4) working behavior with active efforts and seriously striving for the highest benefit of the people without stealing, robbing, cheating, embezzlement or kidnapping of others.

          The good conduct in word factor consists of 4 indicators, 1) working behavior by not speaking deceitfully to obscure or shrug it into one's own benefit, 2) working behavior by insisting on doing the right thing without deceiving speaking to obscure or shrug it into one's own benefit, 3) working behavior with care and determined to complete the task without speaking deceitfully to take the belongings of others, and 4) working behavior with an active effort in working hard, striving to earnestly pay attention to maximize the benefits of the people without speaking deceitfully to take belongings of others to one’s own.

          The good mental action factor consists of 4 indicators 1) working behavior by not thinking of greed of others to be their own by accepting bribes or misappropriating one's own interests, 2) working behavior by standing up to do the right thing without thinking of the greed of others, 3) working behavior with care and determined to make the work successful without thinking of the desire of others to be their own, and 4) working behavior with active efforts and seriously striving for the highest benefit of the people without thinking of the greed of others.


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How to Cite

Pipithsuksunt, P., Chittanurak, P., Bhuripanno, P. C., Ragkhanto, S., & Srisuwan, P. (2020). The good conduct indicators for corruption prevention in Thai local government organization: A case study for Bann Klang Municipal Lamphun Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(2), 67–81. Retrieved from