The Adjustment of Undergraduate Student in Pandemic COVID-9


  • Kannikar Sansupa Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Ueathip Kongkraphan Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Umaporn Sucaromana Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Phakawan Nantasen Ramkhamhaeng University


Adjustment, Undergraduate Student, Pandemic COVID-19


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the adjustment of undergraduate student in pandemic COVID-19 at faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University and 2) to compare the adjustment of undergraduate student classified by gender and level. The samples consisted of 328 students during the first semester of the 2021 academic year. The research instrument was the adjustment questionnaire. Data analysis used t-test and One-Way Anova. The research results found that the adjustment of undergraduate student in overall was high level. There was no significant difference between male and female students for the adjustment in overall and each aspect and there was significant difference between level of students.


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How to Cite

Sansupa, K., Kongkraphan, U., Sucaromana, U., & Nantasen, P. (2020). The Adjustment of Undergraduate Student in Pandemic COVID-9. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(2), ึุ83–97. Retrieved from