Development of Prototype Clinic of Buddhist Counseling Psychology for Mental Health Risk Factors Protection System
Clinic of Buddhist Counseling Psychology, Sappaya CounselingAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study a model for establishing a physical Buddhist counseling clinic for reducing risk factors in Buddhist psychology. 2) to study the operational guidelines of Buddhist counseling clinics to reduce risk factors in Buddhist psychology. The research team used the qualitative research method by analyzing and collecting data from the study of documents, fieldwork and In-depth Interview, then a group discussion meeting with experts to analyze and present research results.
1. Establishment of a physical Buddhist counseling clinic. The principles of Seven Suppaya are applied to Buddhist counseling clinic design, consisting of 1) Seven Sapaya: Avasa Sappaya (calm place, clean area), Gocara Sappaya ( convenient location, not be out of sight, be a neat walkway, not cluttered), Bhassa Sappaya (a conversation atmosphere, conversation on appropriate matters, good stories) Puggala Sappaya (as a person adhere to certain in the threefold, not be selfish and worshipful, persuade and recommend in a useful way), Bhojana Sappaya (suitable drinking water, hot water and tea), Utu Sappaya (the air in the room is well-ventilated, clean and refreshing, be suitable condition) and Ariyapatha Sappaya ( Having a space to stand and sit, offer a table, a chair and a walkway for convenience. Not uncomfortable during the talking conversation) 2) The principle of the design consists of a sitting rating for counseling, wall decoration by pictures, choosing a seat or sofa, conversation styles, room size, room color and lighting in the consulting rooms.
2.Guidelines for the operation of the Buddhist counseling clinic, the researcher proposed the synthesis of the guidelines and summarize the operating guidelines of the Buddhist counseling clinic in 3 phases: 1. Preparation phase consists of 1) Responsible Personnel 2) Location / Equipment 3) Documents 4) Network coordination and 5) Public relations management 2. The Operation consists of 1) Service Channels 2) Target of service problems 3) Type of services 4) Process for consulting service 5) Conclusion / forwarding and 3. Monitoring and Evaluation, having a record system to record the activities and consulting services available, both proactive and passive. There is a joint meeting to summarize the performance, progress, achievements, problems and obstacles.
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