Effective factors to satisfaction in studying of the police student of Sergeant 9, in training center of Provincial Police Region 3
Students’ Satisfaction, The Police Student of Sergeant, Training Center of Provincial Police Region 3Abstract
The objectives of this research subject “Effective factors to satisfaction in studying of the police student of sergeant 9 in training center of provincial police region 3” were to study general information classified by personal characteristics, to study the effective factors to satisfaction in studying, and to study the opinions on the police students’ satisfaction of sergeant 9 in training center of provincial police region 3. This research was quantitative research. The population of this study consisted of 600 police students of the provincial police training center region 3, in academic year 2018, 240 sample groups using the calculation formula of Taro Yamane (1967). The tools used in the research were satisfaction questionnaire. It was a rating scale, the statistics used in data analysis were Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.
The results revealed that the respondents classified by personal characteristics as all were male. Most of them were between 20-22 years old, most were single. Most of them obtained educational qualification in high school. The effective factors toward satisfaction in studying of the police student of sergeant 9, when considered in each aspect, it was found that the first factor affecting satisfaction was job opportunities and progress ( = 4.07), followed by acceptance ( = 3.89), food and drinking ( = 3.85), school supplies and facilities ( = 3.73) and learning conditions and environments ( = 3.50), the outcome in return ( = 3.22). When considered, it was found that in all 6 aspects, the satisfaction was at a high level ( = 3.71). The study of opinions on learning satisfaction. First, it was found that the respondents were satisfied with the graduation followed by seeing family as important, want to develop knowledge, want to build work experience, want to be of good health and personality, and want to learn more regularly.
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