Psychological Experience of Junior High School Students With Increased Self-esteem Aafter Participating in Personal Growth Group With Gardening


  • Panchanok Wiangnak Chulalongkorn University
  • Nattasuda Taephant Chulalongkorn University


Personal Growth Group With Gardening, Self-esteem, Junior High School Student


This qualitative study aimed to examine the psychological experience of junior high school student with increased self-esteem after participating in personal growth group with gardening by using a phenomenological research. Data was collected via in-depth interview with 8 participants. Finding revealed 3 main themes. The first theme was self-awareness and connectedness to environment. It consisted of understanding and awareness in self and connectedness to environment. The second theme was flourishing relationship. The relationship with others and their gardens both developed in a positive direction. The final theme was self-development, consisted of problem acceptance, changed their perspective about problem encountered, changed their behaviors and feelings towards the changes in themselves. These research findings could be applied to understand the experience of opportunity expansion school student with increased self-esteem after participating in personal growth group with gardening therapy techniques participation of these participants.


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How to Cite

Wiangnak, P., & Taephant, N. (2020). Psychological Experience of Junior High School Students With Increased Self-esteem Aafter Participating in Personal Growth Group With Gardening. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 1–17. Retrieved from