A Temple Development Guideline To Be Learning Center In Religious, Arts And Culture For People In Lopburi Province.


  • Phrakrujariyapiram Ratsamee คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Development of Learning Resources, Religion, Culture, Temples in Lopburi Province


The research study on Guidelines for developing temples to be learning centers on religion, art and culture in Lopburi Province It aims to study religious learning resources. Arts and culture of temples in Lopburi Province to study the process of management of learning resources within the temple according to Buddhist psychology. and to propose guidelines for the development of religious learning resources Arts and culture for temples in Lopburi Province by in-depth interview Important information providers include the abbot of the temple with religious learning resources. Art and culture of temples in Lopburi Province, 5 images using a specific selection method. Issues interviewed about the approach to knowledge management of learning resources. In the pursuit of knowledge knowledge building access to learning resources knowledge dissemination and applying knowledge to the benefit.

            The findings were:

  1. The learning sources in religious, arts, and culture in Lopburi province were ready to be developed into the learning source because it was able to study the different types of arts either in architecture or painting through the Buddhist arts which were developed to promote, distribute, and practice the Buddhist way. Also it was able to study the principle of dhamma teachings in Buddhism from the ritual performance, meritorious conduct, or activities relating to the practice such as morality preservation, chanting, and meditation.
  2. The administration process for learning sources in the temples by way of Buddhist psychology was to search the knowledge and to build the new body of knowledge. Each temple had its own uniqueness which was the learning source and also was able to prioritize the importance of that learning source. The management of learning was found that every temple was still in need of the knowledge structure in order to prepare for the knowledge management in systematical procedure in the future. For the activity arrangement, it was found that the model of learning activity that all temples were resembled was the activity regarding the principle of practice. In a sense, the temple should offer variety of activities by considering the difference of age and individuality. From the evaluation, it was found that the administration process for learning source in the 5 temples had no clear work process planning and evaluation. So it was unable to bring the results of evaluation and suggestion as the planning for further development.

          3.       The guidelines for developing the learning sources in religious, arts, and culture in Lopburi province in order to achieve the aim, the temple should start at the personnel development in temple to become qualified in all aspects with the correct knowledge and modernization. In order to be able to develop activities in a temple to spread throughout, it should develop and improve religious places to be clean, beautiful as well as collect all the religious items into separated areas according to categories in the museum. Inside the temple, there should be an environmental improvement to be clean, greenery, and safe. There also should proceed with the document to receive support from the provincial budget or the local administrative division. If the public sector did not have the budget to support, then there should be a cooperation to send the personnel to act as facilitators to give knowledge to the temple personnel. There should be activity building which would get more involvement from the community as to create the benefits among temple, household, and school.


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How to Cite

Ratsamee, P. (2021). A Temple Development Guideline To Be Learning Center In Religious, Arts And Culture For People In Lopburi Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(1), 121–140. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/241394