Integration of Buddhist Psychology and Nine Keys Philosophy Among the Training Ethics by Palangjit Dhamma Jakrawan Institution


  • Chonnapha Punnanan Burapha University


Intelligence, Nine Keys Philophy, Palangjit Dhamma Jakrawan Institute


Integrating the psychological science of the Buddhist Psychology group with the nine key philosophies of the Palangjit Dhamma Jakrawan Institute passed ethics training. Learning process that focuses on allowing participants to learn through activities and living together with others. The result of participating in the activity makes the trainees understand themselves and the nature of others Including the ability to solve their own problems through self-exploration and able to help others through the use of nine key philosophies integrated with the psychology of the Buddhist Psychology group Which is another body of knowledge that will be shared and beneficial to society as a whole.


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How to Cite

Punnanan, C. (2020). Integration of Buddhist Psychology and Nine Keys Philosophy Among the Training Ethics by Palangjit Dhamma Jakrawan Institution. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 385–396. Retrieved from