Development of Mental Transformation Model Following Buddhist Psychology Classified by Temperament Types
Mind, Temperament, Transformation, HappinessAbstract
Objectives of the study were 1) to study the mind and 6 temperaments based on Buddhist principles; 2) to analyze the development approaches of mental transformation based on Buddhist Psychology classified by temperament types; and 3) to propose the mental transformation model based on Buddhist Psychology classified by temperament types. The study was a multiphase mixed methods research consisted of 3 phases. The 1st Phase used a documentary research and group interview. The 2nd Phase was a mixed methods using a survey to collect quantitative data of the relationship between 6 temperaments and 5 components of happiness from 302 undergraduate students and a qualitative method used a group interview and focus group discussion to ensure and confirm a model for collecting qualitative data from 10 key informants as specialists in Buddhism and psychology selected by a purposive sampling method. Pearson correlation coefficient was used for analyzing quantitative data, a content analysis and analytic induction were used for qualitative data analysis.The results found that development of mental transformation model following Buddhist psychology classified by temperament types are as follows: Step 1 know the emotional/feeling happiness and mindset. Step 2 know the process of transformation and the last step know the goals of mental transformation.
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