A Meta-Ethnography Research on Buddhist Counseling Psychology


  • Pornapis Sudto Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Witchuda Titichoatrattana Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Counseling Psychology, Meta-ethnography Research, Buddhist Counseling Psychology Model


Objectives of this article consisted of 1) to analyze the characteristics of research on Buddhist Counseling Psychology; 2) to synthesize the current state of knowledge on Buddhist Counseling Psychology; 3) to compare the similarities and differences of research findings on Buddhist Counseling Psychology; and 4) to present the synthesis results of Buddhist Counseling Psychology model by using a Meta-ethnography research. The study was a qualitative research in nature collecting data from eleven qualitative researches during the year 2009-2016. A Meta-ethnography research was used in this study by three synthesizing methods including reciprocal translations, refutational synthesis and lines-of-argument synthesis.

          Results of the study revealed that 1) Most of the research reports used in synthesis were doctoral dissertations studying on the Buddhist Counseling Psychology process and the counseling model. 2) With regard to the synthesis results of the current state on Buddhist Counseling Psychology it found that there were 6 goals of counseling, 26 Buddhadhamma related to Buddhist Counseling Psychology, 6 characteristics of Buddhist Psychology counselors, 6 steps of counseling process, 14 counseling skills, and 6 issues of the counseling results. 3) In respect of synthesis results of reciprocal translations it found that the counseling goals with 2 parable corresponding goals, the counselors’characteristics including 5 parable corresponding characteristics, the counseling process consisting of 5 parable corresponding steps, the counseling skills composting of 6 parable corresponding skills, and the counseling results with 5 parable corresponding issues. Moreover, the synthesis results of refutational synthesis and lines-of-argument synthesis showed that there were discrepancies in the metaphor divided into two groups in each component including the counseling goals, Buddhadhamma related to Buddhist Counseling Psychology, and the counseling skills. 4) The synthesis results of Buddhist Counseling Psychology model with a Meta-ethnography research consisted of 6 major components and 39 sub-components.


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How to Cite

Sudto, P., Srikhruedong, S. ., & Titichoatrattana, W. . (2020). A Meta-Ethnography Research on Buddhist Counseling Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 19–35. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/241024