The Effects of Corpus-based Approach on Senior Secondary School Students’ Writing Narrative Paragraph Ability
Narrative Paragraph Writing, Corpus-based Approach, Teaching and Language Corporaบทคัดย่อ
The study aimed to (1) analyze the effectiveness of adopting Corpus-based approach to develop students’ English narrative paragraph writing skills, (2) to investigate the effects of how students use Corpus technology in paragraph writing, and (3) to examine students’ attitudes towards using a corpus-based approach instructional material to enhance students’paragraph writing skills.Thirty-four Mathayomsuksa 5 students were the subjects of the study drawn by purposive sampling and the subjects were divided into different levels of English proficiency. The subjects worked on corpus-based activities in the writing course and were assigned to write narrative paragraphs based on the topics related to their daily activities.The research was quasi-experimental research which included both quantitative and qualitative research instruments. The instruments were 1) pre- and post-writing tests, 2) questionnaire, and 3) instructional plans. The results showed that the mean scores of the post-test ( = 15.94) were significantly higher than the mean score of the pre-test ( = 11.44). The overall vocabulary use fell into A1 level according the CEFR. Finally, the results from opinion questionnaire also revealed that the participants were moderately satisfied with the corpus-based instruction ( = 4.50).
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