An Analytical Study on the Usage of Complex Sentence Structures from the Book on the Life of the Buddha Written by Rev. Siridhamma
Comlex Sentences, Noun Clauses, Adjective Clauses, Adverb Clausesบทคัดย่อ
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the usage of complex sentence structures from the book on the life of the Buddha written by Rev. Siridhamma, 2) to analyze the usage of complex sentence structures from the book on the life of the Buddha written by Rev. Siridhamma, and 3) to show the frequency of the usage of complex sentence structures from the book on the life of the Buddha written by Rev. Siridhamma.
This study was focused on a documentary method by reading and studying some books connecting the topic of the problem. Researcher collected data from the book called the life of the Buddha written by Rev. Siridhamma.
This study obtained some important findings. Firstly, a complex sentence was a sentence that contained one independent clause with one or more dependent clause and a dependent clause was a clause that could not stand by alone, so it needed an independent clause to be a complete sentence. Secondly, there were also three types of clauses in an independent clause: noun clause, relative clause and adverb clause. Thirdly, as a result, the researcher found the frequency and percentage of clauses based on its types and functions in complex sentence in the book called the life of the Buddha written by Rev. Siridhamma: (1) noun clause with the frequency of 121 or 11.79%, (2) relative clause with frequency of 148 or 21.76%, and (3) adverb clause with the frequency of 411 or 60.44%.
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