Learning to Create Sustainable Awareness the Environment According to Buddhist Principles


  • Prayoon Jantrakulroj Asoke Skin Hospital, Bangkok


Learning to Application, Environmental Awareness, Buddhist Teaching Methods


This article aims to present perspective on the relationship between humans and environment along with studying at the learning to application concepts in order to build good awareness to the environment. Moreover, the article also includes Buddhism perspective, which explain about learning to application of good awareness to the environment. Buddhist teaching and learning concepts generate good awareness to the environment as Buddhist teaching and learning to application concepts are related and relied on each other. Raising consciousness through the learning process towards change including application of Buddhist methods in learning bases on process of student’s experiences from reflection of critical, conversation, and discussion. Those experiences with the reason of environment perspective are important for living with the kindness for every living thing.


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How to Cite

Jantrakulroj, P. . (2020). Learning to Create Sustainable Awareness the Environment According to Buddhist Principles. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 295–313. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/237443