The Social Movement on Human Rights by People with Gender Diversity Groups in Thailand and Buddhism Human Rights Promoting


  • Chunipha Poedloknimit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Social Movement, Human Rights, Gender Diversity


The Social movement on human rights by people with gender diversity groups in Thailand Being marginalized in Thai society leads to a movement to demand basic rights from the state. This article compares the principles that promoting human rights in Buddhism to compare events in Thai society in order to reflect the reality of violence occurring with gender diversity in Thailand. The results found that the absence and social space as a result gender diversity were subject to structural violence. At the same time, all forms of thought, beliefs and actions that gender diversity have been found are In the Dharma that promoting humanity, Buddhism does not cultivate the thought system. Beliefs that but is a promotion of human rights because Buddhism teaches that humans have the rights that they should receive the principles that promoting human rights in Buddhism are therefore the basic principles that support human behavior and respect for human rights. Do not take advantage of one another Which the basic principles that are Five Precept.


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How to Cite

Poedloknimit, C. . (2020). The Social Movement on Human Rights by People with Gender Diversity Groups in Thailand and Buddhism Human Rights Promoting. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 255–266. Retrieved from