The Implementation of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Treatment Policy in the Area of Ko Kha District, Lampang Province


  • Wannee Sinpaksa Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Suvarat Leasanklang Lampang Rajabhat University


Pregnancy Prevention and Remedy, Public Policy


The purpose of this research was to study and analyze the implementation of adolescent pregnancy prevention and treatment policy in Ko Kha District, Lampang Province and to study the problems and solutions to the application of the prevention and remission policy for teenagers in Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. Is a qualitative research The research instruments used were group discussion, interview with 24 key informants, including municipal administrators, officers, government representatives and the public. Data were analyzed using content analysis techniques and compiled by descriptive method.

The results of the research showed that In the area there are mechanisms for coordination between various departments. To encourage parents to change the attitude of sexuality. While the educational institution has included sexual matters In the subjects that are taught and prepare training to prepare teachers There is a design of work that changed the work from the previous departments separately. Come to be integrated which makes the problem of pregnancy in adolescents improving Meanwhile, found that Communication campaign for children and youth to realize responsibility And the consequences of pregnancy are not ready to get better results Adolescent-friendly health services have improved coordination And have information systems in all 3 locations to continuously monitor progress Can use the same database system for better evaluation and development. And, The results of the research showed that Some communities do not cooperate as they should. The solution is Build understanding among parents of the community about the need to teach sex education to their children. To learn more about creating immunity Inadequate budget problems, inconsistent project The solution is Raise awareness of mutual importance And set a budget sufficient for the following year.


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How to Cite

Sinpaksa, W., & Leasanklang, S. . (2020). The Implementation of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Treatment Policy in the Area of Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 37–50. Retrieved from