A Study of English Instruction Improvement of Teachers Toward Students of Mathayomsuksa 1-3 Students at Sutepnakornwich School in Roi Et Province
English Instruction, Problems, Improvement, Teachingบทคัดย่อ
The purposes of research were: 1) to study English instruction of teachers toward students 2) to analyze the problems of English instruction of teachers toward students 3) to find out the ways of English instruction improvement of teachers toward students.
Research methodology was mixed methods, which combines methods such as quantitative and qualitative research, the sample group consisted of 34 students of Mathayomsuksa 1-3 students at Sutepnakornwich school in Roi Et province. Statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Interviewing qualified and experts in conversation groups 3 persons.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. From study English instruction of teachers toward students. It found that study English instruction of teachers toward students were appropriate at a high level (Mean = 3.06, S.D.0.77).
2 From the analyzing the problems of English instruction of teachers toward students. It was found that the first cause of problems in teaching comprehension was appropriate at a high (Mean = 3.81, S.D.0.97). Second cause of the problems in teaching instruction, it was found that the cause of problems in teaching instruction was appropriate at a high (Mean = 3.81, S.D.0.97).
3. It was found that the interview of first question of three teachers about the problems of English instruction that the students did not have the basic in English language and lack of motivation. As for the second question that English instruction was so difficult to teach, the conclusion was that the teachers must be developed all time and increased the experience in English instruction, and the students cannot use English in real life, because in daily life they used mother tongue language and do not have motivation.
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