A Study of English Speaking Skills of Grade Eleventh Students at Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School
English Speaking Skills, Problems, Strategiesบทคัดย่อ
This study aimed to study the problems of English speaking skills of the grade eleventh students and strategies to solve problems of English speaking skills of the grade eleventh at Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School. The research method used in this research is the descriptive method. The samplings were comprised 69 students of Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School. The statistics used for analyzing data were Frequency, Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), and Percentage (%). In-depth interview was conducted with lecturers. These instruments were used to get the data of students’ problems in speaking English. The study findings showed that the problem faced by the students was lack of vocabulary, being afraid of making mistakes, not feel confident to speak, too shy to practice speaking English with foreigners, not brave to speak because their pronunciation was not good, difficult to speak English, English teachers did not speak English in class, did not understand teacher’s pronunciation, and the students still lack of understanding of grammatical patterns. Therefore, the researcher could give the effective strategies to solve students’ problems. There are lecturing, review, sharing, discussion and telling story, prepared talks, interview, games and try to speak like a native speakers. It was also found out that the researcher strategy in overcoming students' difficulties.
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