Factors Affecting the Success of ASEAN Children News Centre (ACN)
ASEAN Communication, ASEAN Children News Centre (ACN), Media Managementบทคัดย่อ
This study has used qualitative approach. All key informants were purposively selected based on their relevant works, duties, and experiences with all kinds of communication and media for youths and children from all levels. Results were 1) policy & people factors found all ASEAN member countries should have their own tangible and continuous policy to raise more awareness to all their children to recognize how important of ASEAN region besides from each own country then integrated with other member countries; 2) media & activities factors found all ASEAN children should be trained about media literacy, so they can apply to their real uses in their daily life as well as their own communication channel that links to each other with participatory base collaboration; and 3) management factors found Policy management: ACN must take the tangible role to be the communication channel for all ASEAN children to share, to facilitate and create. Place management: Should be able to use all facilities of the host agency and all its networks. Budget management: Be more tangible and systematic management among all pilot schools as well as all relevant networks both in Thailand and in other ASEAN member countries; and Networks management: Should set up clear structure among all networks as well as other relevant partners in working together for ACN both at the country level and at the regional ASEAN levels.
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