Concepts of Sustainability and Live Aability of Green City form Buddhist Perspectives
Green City, Liveability, Sustainability, Idappaccayataบทคัดย่อ
Cities represent humanity's greatest achievements and greatest challenges. From inequality to air pollution, poorly designed cities are feeling the strain as 68% of humanity is predicted to live in urban areas by 2050. The World Economic Forum supports number of projects designed to make cities cleaner, greener and more inclusive. The latter focuses on how themes such as the circular economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be harnessed to create better cities.
In the 21st century, science and technology will assume increasing importance in society, and new inventions capable of making our cities greener will be developed. Technologies within and across services can generate much greater benefits than can individual technological fixes. Green cities explore their impacts on people’s health, life expectancy, wellbeing and quality of life, with emphasis on healthy living, liveability and sustainability. Moreover, green city concept is one of the latest responses to the diverse efforts and research conducted to address the problems caused by the dispersed model of city development and to help cities to become more sustainable and more liveable. Building green societies and green cities requires well-informed policy choices in favour of sustainable development. Moreover, in Buddhist perspective through the Idappaccayata (the fundamental truth) as the Buddhist Law of Nature for sustainability for community. Buddhism offer with respect to environmental conservation and sustainable development where it has originated and the rest of world.
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