Identities of Pa-O Language in Harmony with Pa-O Living Culture
Identities, Pa-O Language, Harmony, Living Culture, World’s Heritageบทคัดย่อ
Eastern languages and cultures are not less important than the western ones which are big sources of data, knowledge and treasures of wisdom and learning. This article aims to present, admire and approve the identities of Pa-O language in harmony with Pa-O living culture. Language is used not just as a tool for the exchange of information, but as a symbolic system with the power to create and shape symbolic realities, such as values, perceptions, identities through discourse. Moreover, the relation of culture and language is the way they share human values, realities and behaviours of a social group. The author absolutely realises to present, admire and approve Pa-O language and culture, the world’s heritage to be conserved which reverses the change of the globalisation and the world of materialism! More details of Pa-O are presented in introduction and passages below to show how identities of Pa-O language is related and linked in harmony with Pa-O living culture.
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