The Development Concepts of the Quality of Working Life of Bangkok Civil Government OfficeR According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy


  • Naratip Phinpradub Finance Department BMA
  • Kamalas Phoowachanathipong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Qpality of Working Life, Bangkok Civil Gorerment Officer, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy


This article studies the concepts of quality of life development based on the sufficiency economy philosophy by synthesizing content from various sources, consisting of the study of concepts, theories about the sufficiency economy philosophy in the meaning. Key concepts and application to Thai government officials the concept of quality of working life, In terms of the quality of working life which many academics have presented. From all studies, it was found that the quality of life of Bangkok government officials. Must know a lifestyle that must look at and explore in various dimensions such as environment, income, progress in the duty, satisfaction in living status Work relationships work internal process and the conditions faced by the current obstacles which can apply the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy consisting of moderation, reasoning, immunity, knowledge, and morality to expand and applied as a basis for sustainable quality of life development.


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How to Cite

Phinpradub, N., & Phoowachanathipong, K. . (2020). The Development Concepts of the Quality of Working Life of Bangkok Civil Government OfficeR According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 281–293. Retrieved from