Learning Management According to Buddhist Method in 21st Century
Buddhist Learning Management Learning in 21st Century
Learning Management, Buddhist Learning, The 21st CenturyAbstract
This article had the objective to analyze learning management according to Buddhist method in the 21st century. The results had found that teaching by teachers must be take children love us for life and with the goal of teaching. To make children have life for skills on IT and self-learning continuously. It was something new that still in the process of being tried new things that have been revamped, tried and released Innovative teaching and learning was divided into 2 types which were Innovations in product categories then inventions and innovation in the form of techniques and teaching methods. In addition, there were innovations that enhance the characteristics of the learners in the mental range, including discipline, honesty, responsibility, generosity, and wisdom consumption in Thai flock ways which the teachers must have insert for life in the 21st century. It consists of learning skills and new inventions by using a variety of media to organize the learning process. The essence of life and work, using Buddhist principles development of teaching and learning innovation to be guideline for being good, smart and happiness according to the potential of the new learners in terms of physical, mental, emotional, social and intellectual as well as promoting the cultivation of morals ethics for students Including the instilling of democracy in schools an important way to raise awareness for young people to be aware of various changes in knowledge, skills, then be able to live together in society with peaceful and progressive of the nation and so on.
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