Communication Channel, Alcohol A An Analysis on Communication Channels for Persuasion of the Alcohol Abstinence during Buddhist Lent Period Campaign of Muang Nan District, Nan Province


  • Somkid Nunta Nakhon Nan Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Bantika Jaruma Nakhon Nan Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Communication, Alcohol Abstinence during Buddhist Lent Period, Nan Province, Media


The objective of this article is to present an analysis on the effective communication channels of people in Muang Nan district, Nan province, used to persuade the people of Nanto abstain alcohol during Buddhist Lent period. The research data were collected from interviewing 17 informants from 6 State Agencies and collecting 77 pieces of discourses media. The analysis framework was based on the SMCR Model of David K. Berlo and the persuasive communication concepts of Orawan Pirantaowad. The analysis showed that the forms of communication channels were various because of the difference of type of organizations working on the campaign and their networks. The elements of using the right communication channels were composed of the 4 factors as followings: 1) Networks organization: the design of the media and the communication channels conforming to potentials of the State agencies’ networks; 2) Right time for message receivers:  choosing the dissemination time conforming to the receivers’ information exposure; 3) Media type: choosing the channels conforming to the nature and objectives of the media types; and 4) Receivers: Select communication channels according to the behavior of the recipients. For the suggestion on using communication channel that there should be a variety of communication channels, both one-way and two-way communication, and allow the recipients to be part of the communication process.


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How to Cite

Nunta , S., & Jaruma, B. (2020). Communication Channel, Alcohol A An Analysis on Communication Channels for Persuasion of the Alcohol Abstinence during Buddhist Lent Period Campaign of Muang Nan District, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(2), 107–116. Retrieved from