A Study of the Related Between Four Sublime States of Mind and Spiritual Well-being of Chulamani Vocational College in Srisaket Province


  • Supakij Punya Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Relationships, Brahmavihara Dhamma, Spiritual Well-being


The purposes of this thesis were to study the level of spiritual well-being of pupils of. Chulamani vocational college, Dun Sub-district, Kanthararom District, Srisaket Province 2. To study the relationship between Four Sublime States of Mind and the Spiritual well-being of pupils of Chulamani vocational college, Don Sub-district, Kanthararom District, Srisaket Province.

The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. General information of the respondents. The questionnaires of Four Sublime States of Mind and the Spiritual well-being. The statistics used in data analysis including Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Difference Test, Percentage, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and the related measuring of correlation coefficient of Four Sublime States of Mind and the Spiritual well-being and factorial correlation. Spiritual Well-being by Using Statistics Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The samples used in this study were the vocational college, vocational certificate 250 pupils of the Chulamani vocational college Srisaket,

The results of the study indicated that loving-kindness employed the highest average of 4.48 with 0.483 standard deviation, the sympathetic joy employed the average of 4.26 with 0.454 standard deviation, the equanimity employed the average of 4.14 with 0.460 standard deviation and the compassion employed the lowest average of 4.11 with 0.523 standard deviation. The findings of Spiritual well-being showed that the life satisfaction employed the average of 4.24 with 0.442 standard deviation, followed by the faith and belief with the average of 4.24 with 0.472 standard deviation and the life and self-responsibility employed the average of 4.42 with 0.450 standard deviation.

The experiment of hypothesis found that the students from Chulamani Sisaket Vocational College had the differences between genders, age, sibling, grade point average and family income. There was not differences of Spiritual well-being with the statistical significance at 0.05.

  1. A. Differences in the level of spiritual well-being Classified by personal information was found that the Chulamani Sisaket Vocational College students with different gender, age, sibling, education and monthly income do not have different levels of spiritual well-being at the 0.05
  2. The finding of this study indicated that the relationships between four sublime states of mind and Spiritual well-being had much higher positive relationship, with significances at 0.01.


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How to Cite

Punya, S. (2020). A Study of the Related Between Four Sublime States of Mind and Spiritual Well-being of Chulamani Vocational College in Srisaket Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(2), 47–60. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/225870