The Development of Innovation for Public Election Behavior


  • Thatchanan Issaradet Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development, Innovation, Public Election Behavior


This research study was a research and development by researching in-depth interviews of 5 people in order to gain guidelines for promoting election behavior among voters and 15 group discussions to listen to the opinions of the development guidelines for promoting election behavior among voters. The purposes of this research were (1) to study the election and election behaviors of the people who have the right to vote (2) to study the promotion of electoral behaviors of voters and (3) to develop innovation and promotion of electoral behaviors of voters.

The results of the research found that

  1. Election and election behavior of Thailand's electoral behavior continues to focus on the problems of illegal behavior in voting caused from the patronage system and the expansion of capitalism effected to the influence and contributed to people's decisions. Voters will not consider the complicated reasons and vote carefully, the mistake is caused by insufficient information received and in the same situation, the decision also will be the same.
  2. Promoting election behavior, the election comprises of the elements in terms of ideology and the process of establishing rules to promote election behavior, allowing people to vote in order to enable people to participate in the election as much as possible. The electoral behavior will be under the social dependency network of local elections and communities under formal assistance and not officially.

          3. Innovation to promote election behavior; exercise of voting rights campaigning for public interest and awareness of the importance, manage variables as appropriate, use election theory as a function and extend the period of elections.  For the electoral ballot, raise awareness, the election process is transparent, accurate, fair, and develop the online election by allowing users to vote anywhere, anytime. For election decisions, managing polling stations to be effective, set a clear target audience, it is easy to decide, not complicated, facilitate decision making with the development of a social dependency network.


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How to Cite

Issaradet, T. (2020). The Development of Innovation for Public Election Behavior. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(2), 27–46. Retrieved from