Strategic Management Guidelines for Developing a Security Business


  • Natagorn Watcharasin Singto Albino Security Guard
  • Kamalas Phoowachanathipong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Strategic Management, Security Business


This article is a study of strategic management approaches for security business development by studying content from various sources, consisting of the concepts of strategic management theory by applying the PESTEL Analysis concept which is an analysis of external environmental factors as a guideline to apply for analysis. Political, economic, social, technological factors, environment and Legal regulations and Michal E. Porter Value Chain concept is an applied approach to implementing internal management in order to create an effective management process leading to the strategic management plan of the security business. At present there are many security businesses. And still lacking standards in service Combined with the change of the world society Is fast It is necessary that The security business must adapt to the changes, in which the author studied, synthesized, and proposed 5 ways to manage the strategy, namely quality, speed, flexibility, and creating differentiation and cost strategies. To be a guideline for business development on efficient and standardized.


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How to Cite

Watcharasin, N., & Phoowachanathipong, K. . (2020). Strategic Management Guidelines for Developing a Security Business. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 6(1), 267–280. Retrieved from