Competency: Self- development of Security Personnel to Keep Pace with Changes in Thailand 4.0


  • Natagorn Watcharasin Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Competency, Self-development, Security Guard


Competency: Self- development of security personnel to keep pace with changes in Thailand 4.0. This article aims to analyze the guidelines for self-development of personnel to have competency and operational efficiency from studying of the documentary and participatory action exchanges with security business executives, gets to know the performance of security personnel who lack knowledge and understanding in the operation to be as standards.

Self-development is an action that enhance one’s own knowledge, skills performance and characteristics. It helps to increase work performance by relying on methods, processes, and procedures that may be both the case in person or receiving support from the organization as well. The circle of self-development consists of 4 steps 1) Plan 2) Do 3) Check and 4) Action. It can be seen that every human being is born with goodness, self-worth. Have the ability to be self-leader, are more likely to develop themselves according to the true conditions described by Roger. As competency of self- development of security personnel in order to keep up with the changes in Thailand 4.0 consists of work achievement, humility, creative new initiative , quality awareness, eager to learn, consciousness of work as a team work, being flexible and adaptable.


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How to Cite

Watcharasin, N. (2020). Competency: Self- development of Security Personnel to Keep Pace with Changes in Thailand 4.0. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 5(2), 253–264. Retrieved from