Caregiver for Elderly in 4.0 Era
Caregiver for Elderly, 4.0 EraAbstract
Caregiver for elderly in 4.0 era is the time of technological prosperity and modern innovative creativity that approaching aging society. Therefore, the connection between elderly care and technology is needed by applying the usefulness of rapid and modern technology into elderly care in order to meet the target for elderly’s good quality of life. A using of modern technology consisted of a variety of social media using such as line or facebook that make convenience and fast communication. Website of Awuso Society is developed to be an overall database for elderly and easy to access at anywhere and anytime. In addition, Dinsow Robot is the first robot that is an expert of elderly care which created as an Artificial Intelligence system and is able to control the order for elderly care with efficiency in 24 hours. On the other hand, users should be careful of using this technology with consciousness and intelligent thinking.
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