
  • ดร.อัครนันท์ อริยศรีพงษ์
  • ดร.กมลาศ ภูวชนาธิพงศ์
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ โกวิท พานแก้ว
  • ดร.พุทธชาติ แผนสมบุญ
  • ดร.สุวัฒสัน รักขันโท
  • อาจารย์ญาณีนี ภู่พัฒน์


Procession Of Developing, Communication


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the problems and obstacles of English communication skills of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University students 2) to study level of English communication skills of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University students 3) to present the model and development process of English communication skills of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University students. The samples were 135 Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University students. This research was a survey research and questionnaire is used as the tool for data collection. The statistical method used for data analyses were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One Way ANOVA and person correlation.  The findings were as follows 1) The highest average score of problems and obstacles in using English for communication in listening, speaking, reading and writing is  the inadequate knowledge base of students and they do not know vocabularies. This shows that when students have to do activities in the room, which require skills in English communication, they used the wrong English grammar and, have no content to write and do not use English sentences or idioms in various situations. The causes of problems and obstacles in English listening and speaking of students are lack of confidence and cannot communicate with others exactly as intended.Secondary are lack of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. 2) The average score of English communication skills of the students was at a moderate level ( = 2.96, SD = .659). In each facet, the highest average score of English communication skills followed by listening, English reading, English speaking and English writing and all facets were at a moderate level 3) It should develop English communication both speaking, listening, reading and writing simultaneously. Model of development process of English communication Skills has four components which are quality of teaching, teaching media, teaching content and students. Overall guidelines and recommendations for development of English communication skills 1) Quality of teaching: the instructor must have the knowledge and ability to transfer and they must prepare teaching to suit the learners 2) Teaching media:  it should develop teaching materials to be interesting. 3) Teaching content: it should develop and update the content to suit the learner. 4) Students: they should consistently practice and revise their lessons and increase their chances of using English for communication.




How to Cite

อริยศรีพงษ์ ด., ภูวชนาธิพงศ์ ด., พานแก้ว ผ. โ., แผนสมบุญ ด., รักขันโท ด., & ภู่พัฒน์ อ. (2018). THE FORM AND PROCESSION OF DEVELOPING ABILITY IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION OF MCU’S STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 4(1), 63–74. Retrieved from