
  • ชนันภรณ์ อารีกุล
  • อุทัย สติมั่น
  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์จักรกฤษณ์ ภูริปญฺโญ


             Human life in modern times. They all relate to the things that relate human beings to nature. Direct and indirect from the model level to the biological level make the species of life change according to the state of life and life. Humans are dependent on the natural environment, or what human beings create, all around them. And three vehicles can be used for human and living organisms. May cause loss of human species burn in the future. Impacts of natural degradation Waste water what a stink Impact on human and aquatic life. The amount of green space in the capital. The lungs of the city. It's limited. Cannot add a park to a resting place. It is a place of community activity. The air is toxic. Caused by the smoke of the car exhaust. Car products are the product of scientific and technological progress. In addition to using the car, it is also necessary for comfort. And to showcase social values. Environmental issues it is not a scientific product. But it is a human way of life. The values ​​and culture of the consumer society determines.




How to Cite

อารีกุล ช., สติมั่น อ., & ภูริปญฺโญ พ. (2018). HUMAN RELATIONS WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 3(2), 78–87. Retrieved from