
  • พระปลัดอานนท์ กนฺตวีโร
  • พระมหาสุเทพ สุทฺธิญาโณ


Public health services are not as prosperous as they are today. The monks have a role to play in helping those who are sick with various herbal medicines and encouraging them with the proper principles for the society at that time. Later, the health services were developed accordingly. At the national level, more patients can be cared for. The role of monks and patients is reduced. The population is increasing. Patient statistics are coming up every year. But the number of state medical staff remains in short supply. Patient care is a vital part of the body. Making holistic and holistic patient care is difficult. Many hospitals have developed the concept of holistic patient care to cover physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. The opportunity for monks to participate in the care of mental patients. And spirit with the team of doctors, nurses and volunteers. The Buddhist monks are respected by Buddhists. It depends on the mind to the patient. With the application of Buddhist principles to apply to patients and relatives, patients can accept the fact that they happen and live with physical suffering without suffering.




How to Cite

กนฺตวีโร พ., & สุทฺธิญาโณ พ. (2018). MONKS AND MENTAL REMEDIES. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 2(1), 46–55. Retrieved from